Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Flight of the Fibrofly

It's been awhile since I've done a 5K because my walking partner (of the team Wobbly Walkers) moved out of state.  I couldn't resist the opportunity to join in with another friend to do a Halloween-themed event this past Sunday.  Why do I tempt fate, fatigue, and fibro by walking over 3 miles for no apparent purpose?  Because it's like giving fibro a big middle finger.  It's a way of saying, "my life isn't over and I'm not going to take this sitting down."  I always feel great after walking--all those endorphins and happy chemicals flowing through my system.  Then I get hit with the need for a nap and sore muscles for a couple of days.  I take pride in those sore muscles, though--I EARNED them.  It's nice to have a reason for the pain sometimes.  And this time I got a cool medal!

Like I said, the theme for this 5K was Halloween and costumes were encouraged.  Whatever would I be?  Then it hit me--a Fibrofly!  Since the symbol for fibro awareness is a purple ribbon with a butterfly I decided to promote awareness by dressing as a purple butterfly.  Follow my walk below:

Ready to walk!

And we're off!

Hard to tell, but this was quite a hill.

Salsa music has me in the groove!

Halfway point!

Still going strong--I'm warmed up good now.

Hahahaha, just kidding!  This was for the half-marathon folks.

Finish line!

Showing off my spiffy medal and my sexy fanny pack.
I met some awesome mermaids during the walk and the friend I went with (who is a runner) won 1st place in her age bracket!  The weather started me off in pain and weakness but I prevailed and the rain held off.  I went home, washed the purple off, and took a nap.  My calves and ankles were sore for a few days. I can't wait to do another and now I'm even looking into a 10K to really push my limits!  That will take some training but the thought of making it through is too exciting to shy away from.  Gentle hugs!

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