Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wax On, Wax Off

     I hope that watching my kids do jiu jitsu counts as exercise because I get tired just watching!  Tonight they are pummeling hanging bags.  I relate more to the bags than the fighters.  I feel like I'm just hanging on and that I've been kicked and punched a few dozen times.  But that's just a normal day in my life sometimes.  Rainy weather is guaranteed to give me the punching bag sensation.

    Secretly, I am envious of the kids and the adults that I see.  I would love to learn these techniques.  The moves that they learn are beautiful in their form and badass in execution.  Monkey is strong in kata, the display of forms, but Shaun is fierce in sparring, the fighting part.  I am so proud of how hard they work in class and of how far they have come since the beginning. Honestly, I'm proud of all of the kids that I've gotten to watch over time.  It's pretty amazing what they can do.  It's even better knowing that they are learning to defend themselves.  Not to mention the confidence and discipline that the teachers instill in them.

   I mentioned adults, too.  Some of the parents take classes here, too.  What better stress relief after a day at work than getting to funnel your frustration into a workout that includes punching?!  It looks like great exercise that builds lean muscle and core strength.  Plus it's just plain cool to see a grown woman looking like a whirlwind of pain!  I would love to pull that off.  I just don't think I have the stamina to keep up or the ability to get hit without really hurting.

    FibroMIGHTs always hear that we're supposed to exercise to help the pain and fatigue but it's difficult to believe when it takes so much effort to do regular daily activities.  I used to do Zumba and I admit that it felt good but it got to be too much for me.  Now I struggle not to fall asleep as soon as I get home from work.  We have a treadmill in the basement that I used to walk on but I feel like I don't have time--or that it will use up too many of my spoons and leave me worse off.  It's a tough situation.  I also know that losing a bit of weight and developing my muscles would be a good thing.  It is a catch-22 for me.  I guess I need to suck it up and start small.  Maybe if I get back on the treadmill I can work myself up to something more after awhile.  One must start small, grasshopper.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Liquid Sunshine

Greetings and salutations!

Despite the fact that I am dying to take a nap against the dojo punching bags while my boys do jiu jitsu, I am going to talk about energy.

My family went to Disney back in September, our second trip there as a family and since I developed fibro.  Each trip lasted 5 days.  That's five days of walking in the Florida heat and humidity.  We stayed up late and got going early each morning.  My Fitbit registered upward of 20,000 almost every day and I passed the 10 mile mark at least once.  I expected to be the one holding us back and crapping out but I didn't!  I kept up and never really felt like I'd overdone it.  Obi-John kept an eye on me and was sure to ask if I needed to rest or take a break.  It was an amazing feeling.  And it was like that on both trips.

When we got home this time I started to wonder how I pulled it off.  Was it just the excitement of being in Disney World?  The determination to keep up?  A reprieve from the mighty fibro gremlin?  Here's what I came up with:  sunshine.  I don't get a lot of sun exposure in my daily life.  I'm sure you're shocked, given the glowing porcelain sheen of the skin showing in my blog photo.  I became convinced that it was energy from the sun giving me superpowers, like Superman but without the ability to fly or complete more than basic daily tasks.  Then I thought about how to replicate those effects at home.

The answer is vitamin D3.  I had heard about supplements and know that we get vitamin D from the sun but I hadn't ever given it much consideration.  Since I already take a handful of pills each day I decided to look for a gummy version.  I've been taking them for a few months now and I have to say that I definitely notice a difference.  The standard level of fatigue has become less and more manageable.  I wish I hadn't waited so long to give it a try.  They're tasty, too.  In fact, Obi-John has started taking one each morning.  I feel like the D3 helps with circulation, as well.  My extremities don't get as cold.

Even though I don't relish the idea of having added something else to my pile'o'meds it has been absolutely worthwhile.  There are days when I just don't want to take my supplements.  I get tired of it sometimes.  I'd like a break.  But fibro and ME don't give me one so on I prance, thanks to my oils, tablets, and gummies.  I'm still not on any prescription pain or fibro meds.  I'm thankful that I can get by on natural options because I tend to have awful reactions to the prescriptions.  And that extra D3 seems to keep me walking on sunshine.  Gentle hugs, fibroMIGHTS!