Warning: adult themes ahead. It's about to get really real.
I am going way out of my comfort zone today--let's talk about sex. But not in a fun, Salt-n-Pepa kind of way. This can be a very difficult subject for FibroMIGHTs. It can be a very frustrating subject for the significant others of FibroMIGHTs. I don't think anyone can deny that sex and intimacy are a big deal in long-term, committed relationships. Not having that physical connection, or having it disrupted, can be hard on both parties. This is not a fun argument, especially on top of everything else a FM deals with.
I met my husband pre-fibro. We dated and married in our early twenties and our love life was what you would expect from such parties. Now we are in our mid-thirties and have kids and jobs with long hours. And my fibro. So we not only battle the doldrums that come from being not-young, working long hours, and raising 2 energetic boys, but also the pain and chronic fatigue that I have. My husband has been extremely gracious about things, he really has. I'm sure he feels more frustration than he voices, though. And I get frustrated, too! Luckily for us, my fatigue and his work exhaustion often coincide and the two of us offer each other partial credit--we express our mutual desire to have sex while declaring inability to engage. It's silly. But keeping it out there in the open helps us avoid resentment build-up from secretly wondering if the other is upset. I think we both feel better knowing that the desire is there even if the energy is not.
If you are the significant other of a FM (or any other chronic pain/fatigue sufferer) know this: we WANT to have sex. Or at least WANT to WANT to have sex. We haven't sworn a vow of celibacy, I promise. It's just that falling asleep during the act is a definite possibility. Or the thought of finding a position that won't trigger pain is too daunting. We still find you attractive. We still want to be adventurous. It's just that back and joint pain aren't terribly sexy. Until someone comes up with the Fibro Sutra you just have to go easy on us. Okay?
And don't forget that FibroMIGHTS experience greater than normal pain after exercise. Sex counts. There has been many a time that I showed up at work limping or clearly in obvious pain and had to field questions about what happened to me. "Uhhhhh...I slept funny last night." Oh yeah, fun every time. Is the awkwardness worth it? You betcha! You just have to understand that these are extra things we FMs have to deal with. Along with guilt over not being ready to go every time you are. It's hard to be intimate when you don't even want to be touched. Patience and understanding are essential on both sides, my friends. Please give yourself or your other a break--and maybe even be willing to give partial credit for even voicing the desire when the flesh is weak.